What is the duration of the BCA in Artificial Learning & Machine Learning (AL-ML) at Tata Institute of Technology?
The BCA in Artificial Learning & Machine Learning (AL-ML) at Tata Institute of Technology is a 3-year undergraduate programme.
What are the eligibility criteria for enrolling in the BCA AL-ML programme at Tata Institute of Technology?
To enrol in the BCA AL-ML programme, candidates must have completed their 10+2 or equivalent examination with Mathematics as a subject and secured a minimum of 50% aggregate marks.
What is the fee structure for the BCA in AL-ML programme at Tata Institute of Technology?
The total fee for the BCA in AL-ML programme at Tata Institute of Technology is approximately Rs. 1,50,000 per annum.
Does Tata Institute of Technology provide placement assistance for BCA in AL-ML graduates?
Yes, Tata Institute of Technology offers robust placement assistance for BCA in AL-ML graduates, with several top companies participating in the campus placement drives.
Are there any scholarship opportunities available for the BCA in AL-ML programme at Tata Institute of Technology?
Yes, Tata Institute of Technology offers various scholarships based on merit and financial need. Eligible students can apply for scholarships at the beginning of the academic year.