Semester | Subjects | Topics |
1 | Introduction to Web Technologies, Programming Fundamentals, Mathematics for Computer Science, English for Communication, Environmental Studies | HTML, CSS, JavaScript basics, Variables, Data Types, Control Structures, Functions, Arrays, Basic Algebra, Calculus, Reading, Writing, Speaking skills, Environmental Concepts and Global Environmental Issues |
2 | Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Digital Electronics, Database Management Systems, Personality Development | Java or Python, Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Trees, Logic Gates, SQL, Normalization, ER-Diagrams, Self-Awareness, Communication Skills, Leadership |
3 | Operating Systems, Web Programming, Computer Networks, Software Engineering, Elective 1 (Graphic Design/Animation) | Processes, Threads, Synchronization, Deadlocks, Advanced HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Server-Side Scripting (PHP/Node.js), Network Protocols, OSI Model, Waterfall Model, Agile Methodologies, Photoshop, Illustrator/3D Max, Maya |
4 | Advanced Web Development, Mobile Application Development, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Elective 2 (Digital Marketing/SEO) | ReactJS, Angular, VueJS, Android/iOS Development, Firebase, AWS, Azure, Cryptography, Network Security, Google Analytics, Content Marketing, On-Page and Off-Page SEO |
5 | Project Management, Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), Elective 3 (E-commerce Technologies/Blockchain Technology), Project Work (Part 1) | Scrum, Kanban, Hadoop, Spark, IoT Architecture, Sensors, Smart Devices, Magento, Shopify, Distributed Ledgers, Smart Contracts, Project Conceptualization and Development |
6 | Emerging Web Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Elective 4 (Game Development/Virtual Reality), Project Work (Part 2) | Progressive Web Apps, Chatbots, TensorFlow, Keras, Unity, Unreal Engine, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Project Implementation and Documentation |
This table is a simplified and hypothetical example for a BCA in Web Development course. The actual syllabus could vary significantly in terms of subjects, topics, and structure. Always refer to the official curriculum provided by the institution for the most accurate information.